Save your nerves in the Public Sector

dox42 customers in the public sector save not only time and nerves, but also avoid copy-paste mistakes by automating their document generation via dox42. Editors can essentially maintain all dox42 templates on their own, without any programming knowledge. Therefore, they can immediately react to any minor and major changes without any complications.

What types of documents are automated?

Contracts, Employment Contracts

Contracts, Employment Contracts

Legal Documents, Permits

Legal Documents, Permits



How does The Office of the Salzburg Provincial Government use dox42?

By using dox42, we can save a lot of resources and costs internally, because due to the simple and intuitive creation of templates in Word. These can be outsourced to specialist departments, thus relieving IT. If we encounter any problems during the creation of templates or during the installation, we can always call on dox42 support [...]

Astrid Maschits

Astrid Maschits

Product Manager

More Success Stories

dox42 has not failed once so far, what we are certainly very happy about. Currently we are working with 285 templates which we generate different kinds of documents from with dox42 [...]

For those reasons I definitely recommend the product dox42 and the company behind it with their high quality partners. [...]

Up until now, requirements were fulfilled by programming. Changes in the layout were only possible through the development department. With the use of dox42 it is now possible to integrate various documents [...]

How other customers in Public Sector successfully implement dox42


Swiss QR Invoice   Let's get ready for it

Webinar Recording

Swiss QR Invoice Let's get ready for it

By using dox42, we can save a lot of resources and costs | Land Salzburg


By using dox42, we can save a lot of resources and costs | Land Salzburg

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