Company Header ITG Graz
ITG Graz

We have been using dox42 for one year now and it has not failed once, what we are certainly very happy about

ITG Graz is the operating IT service provider for Graz and therefor responsible for strategic as well as operative ICT related tasks of City Graz, Holding Graz and their holdings. We first got in contact with dox42 when replacing our previous application. The solution we were looking for had to meet our requirements to be flexible and robust when generating documents. Data had to be integrated from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which is why we required a solution that provides a connector to our data source.  

Our partner ace who supported us implementing dox42 had already been working with dox42 before and made great experiences with the software, which is why they eventually recommended dox42 as a solution for our project. This is one of the main reasons we chose to work with dox42.Our partner ace who supported us implementing dox42 had already been working with dox42 before and made great experiences with the software, which is why they eventually recommended dox42 as a solution for our project. This is one of the main reasons we chose to work with dox42.

We have been using dox42 for one year now and it has not failed once, what we are certainly very happy about. Currently we are working with 285 templates which we generate different kinds of documents from with dox42.

The convenient and easy handling of creating and editing templates with dox42 turned out to be the biggest advantage considering the huge amount of templates we are working with. The Department of IT is now unburdened and able to concentrate on connecting and providing the data sources needed and leave the editing of content with the business units. The operating departments can then work on the template themselves easily integrating Data by Drag & Drop.

This lowers the amount of support needed by ITG Graz substantially, since business units can now update contents of documents on their own. There is no time wasted on waiting for feedback or affirmative answers anymore. The time we saved through implementing dox42 can now be used on concentrating on tasks we are actually responsible for.
A huge thank you also to our IT partner ace who successfully implemented dox42 within their solution aceDoc for us.

Augustin Durlacher

IT Solution Architect @ ITG Graz

Augustin Durlacher - IT Solution Architect at ITG Graz