The Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) is also responsible for telecommunications in Austria, in addition to its traditional areas of activity.
Subordinate to the BMLRT is the Fernmeldebüro (Telecommunications Office) as the Telecommunications Authority, Republic of Austria. The Telecommunications Office's responsibilities include enforcement of the Telecommunications Act and the Federal Act on Market Surveillance for Radio Equipment. For the granting of licenses for the use of frequencies in Austria as well as for their planning, the Telecommunications Office uses a database which was developed by the company ATOS and has been in use for years. Every radio service, from amateur radio to mobile radio operators in Austria, is registered in this database and is also managed by it.
Notifications and notices are generated from this database. This information can often become very complex and can often contain more than 1000 pages.
With dox42, documents are generated from this database quickly and efficiently and automatically from a large amount of data.
Since the design of the templates with dox42 is intuitive and easy to learn, the telecommunications office can now change the templates of its official notifications on its own in order to react quickly to legal changes.
Head of Telecommunications Authority @ Fernmeldebüro / Telecommunications Office