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01 July 2024

New Experts Onboard: Welcome to dox42!

New Experts Onboard: Welcome to dox42!

In our collaboration with partners and customers, we regularly encounter impressive dox42 Experts who optimize the use of dox42 through their expertise and commitment. We honor these outstanding achievements through the dox42 Experts Program.

We are delighted to welcome Katja Winkelmann from busitec as a dox42 Expert. She has distinguished herself through her consulting on document automation with Power Automate, the use of document templates, and her ability to convince customers of the diverse possibilities of dox42.

We also want to welcome Jochen Leitner from corner4 as a new dox42 Expert. Jochen is an expert in the integration of dox42 solutions based on SharePoint and Nintex Workflow solutions.

Additionally, Reto Huber from has qualified for the dox42 Experts Program. He impressed us with his provision of data for dox42 via web services, the integration of dox42 into customer solutions, and the implementation of complex dox42 reports with multiple data sources.

We warmly welcome our new dox42 Experts! Thank you for sharing your exceptional dedication, skills, and knowledge with us!

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