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22 January 2025

ME/CFS Awareness Day

ME/CFS Awareness Day

Raising awareness for ME/CFS is a cause close to dox42’s heart. For several years, we have been actively supporting this important issue through activities and donations.

International ME/CFS Day will take place on May 12th, but our commitment begins well in advance. This year, we are launching our awareness activities in Spring:

On March 12, everyone at dox42 Day will receive sustainable bags that serve as practical souvenirs as well as raise awareness for International ME/CFS Day

You want to see these bags for yourself? A photo will be posted soon!


What is ME/CFS?

  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a severe neuroimmunological multisystem disease that usually leads to considerable physical limitations and thus to the loss of the ability to work and the need for care.
  • There are between 17 and 30 million people with ME/CFS worldwide, at least 250,000 of whom live in Germany. See more>>
  • Many of those affected are so ill that they disappear into dark rooms and are thus excluded from public life. This makes them invisible to society.
  • What about therapies/medications? There are also virtually no medical contact points and hardly any research. As many doctors and health insurers are not aware of ME/CFS, those affected often receive no support at all.

What is happening on May 12?

What can be done to help?

  • The lack of awareness is a huge problem. You can do something effective about this right now: inform yourself and talk to friends, acquaintances, family and work colleagues about ME/CFS. As ME/CFS becomes better known, policy and research must respond.
  • Set an example on International ME/CFS Day May 12th

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