Current news

All current news about dox42, the product, the team behind it, all events with dox42 participation and much more - you will find here:

01 November 2023

Welcome to the dox42 team!

Welcome to the dox42 team!

As of November, Regina has joined the dox42 Team! 

Regina will work with Johannes, Fabian, Lisa, Norina and Jan Moritz in the dox42 Evangelist Team.

We are very excited to work with you! Welcome to the dox42 universe!

See the whole dox42 Team >>

dox42 News Update

The dox42 team will keep you updated when we have something to say. This is our promise!
  • Recent releases of dox42
  • Success stories
  • Practical hints for the use of dox42
  • New partners etc.