Automate a sales report | sample template

Sales Report Sample Template

Integrate existing Excel charts and calculations for automatic document generation. The sample template Sales Report demonstrates how easy it is.

For this example, you will need:

  • Word 2007 and newer
  • Excel 2007 and newer
  • PowerPoint 2007 and newer
  • Your installed and activated dox42 Enterprise Add-In (release 3.0 or higher)

Enjoy experimenting!


This template shows the following dox42 capabilities

  • Automatically generate a Sales Report in Word, Excel or PowerPoint
  • Initialise Excel with database data and integrate the charts and calculation results into your document or presentation
  • Dynamic hyperlinks: countries in the table link to google maps
  • Drop-down lists for input parameters
  • Dynamic table columns
  • Dynamic linking of images (employee, flags)