Company Header Oleificio Sabo
Oleificio Sabo

Efficient Form Creation with dox42 at Oleificio Sabo

Oleificio Sabo is a company in the food industry that produces and refines high-quality edible oils. Since 2022, Sabo has been using IBM's maintenance planning and management system Maximo, with the implementation carried out by dox42 partner EAM Swiss GmbH.

dox42 is used for important forms such as ‘Plant release after an intervention’. Compared to the conventional ‘reporting’ tools from Maximo, the development time on the part of EAM has been massively reduced, resulting in lower costs for Sabo. At the same time, the exchange of requirements has been significantly simplified through the use of dox42. Sabo provides a Word template and EAM fills it with the specified data fields. This ensures that detailed discussions about the layout or look & feel of the forms are avoided. Maximo is installed on-premise at Sabo and uses the dox42 online service for document generation.

Bernhard Egger

Technical Director @ Oleificio Sabo

Bernhard Egger - Technical Director at Oleificio Sabo