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dox42 has really transformed document building into an agreeable business-user assignment

With migrating from a small local ERP – in which managing the various business documents was painstaking and bound by various limitations – to Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management, I initially had high expectations of vastly improved possibilities for document building. Unfortunately, I learned that the out-of-the-box offering by Microsoft in this regard was still equally limited as in our legacy ERP. So, to my surprise, I had to look for an external solution to properly upgrade not only the business documents themselves, but especially also the way they are built and maintained. This quest brought me to dox42, which quickly turned out to be the perfect solution to this problem.

With using the dox42 Word Add-In and therefore being able to leverage the vast possibilities of Microsoft Word for styling and lay-outing, building and updating business documents really becomes a breeze, and fun as well! With the quick and easy Generate function, you can instantly preview your document with actual data from Dynamics, making the entire process really enjoyable, efficient and productive. Another feature I like a lot, is that it enables bar code generation of many different types with literally the click of a button, so you can include them anywhere on your documents in whatever desired size and format. Furthermore it allows to easily connect to various data sources for fetching additional data.

Overall, dox42 has really transformed document building from a boring and painstaking technical burden into an agreeable business-user assignment and I’m very happy with having chosen them. I’m looking forward to unlocking even more of its possibilities later on with the Power Automate integration.

Pascal Bierque

IT Manager @ Abitaz

Pascal Bierque - IT Manager at Abitaz