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26 August 2024

Now available: dox42 5.0 BETA

Now available: dox42 5.0 BETA

Get early access to the latest major update with the release of dox42 5.0 BETA. This new version is loaded with exciting new features, including a refreshed user interface, full support for dark mode, improved label and lookup functionalities, an enhanced visualizer with additional capabilities, Add-In logging, password protection for Data Maps, and much more.

Live-Demo dox42 5.0

Watch our Product Manager, Lisa Pulsinger, showcase these features in a live demo. Explore everything dox42 5.0 has to offer by watching the video now.

Please note: While our team and experts have rigorously tested this BETA version, it is still in the testing phase, and some bugs or areas for improvement may exist. We advise against using dox42 5.0 BETA in production environments at this time.


We’re excited for you to start testing and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Download dox42 5.0 BETA today , and please send any findings, feedback, or bug reports to with the subject line “dox42 5.0 BETA.”


To help you get started with testing, we’ve created a new dox42 class: “Word Add-In: From Zero to Hero with Version 5.0.” This tutorial will guide you through creating a Word template using dox42 Version 5.0. Watch it now!

Easter Egg

Discover the hidden Easter Egg in dox42 5.0 BETA and win a LEGO Set!

We’ve added a fun challenge for all our dox42 5.0 BETA testers: there’s a hidden message within one of the updated features of this BETA version. Dive into testing, and you might find it sooner than you think.

To enter the raffle for a chance to win a LEGO set, locate the hidden message, take a screenshot, and send it to us by September 30th. More details will be shared once you discover the message. Happy testing, and good luck!


Download dox42 5.0 BETA now.

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