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12 June 2024

Respect, freedom and human rights

Respect, freedom and human rights

Happy Vienna Pride!

On June 6th, the Pride Parade filled the streets of Vienna and the atmosphere was absolutely electrifying. To celebrate our solidarity with the LGBTIQ community and to make Pride visible, our dox42 office in the heart of Vienna was shining brightly in vibrant colors throughout the entire weekend.

We are particularly proud to support these important initiatives for the rights and concerns of LGBTIQ individuals. Here at dox42, we firmly believe in are commited to diversity, equality, inclusion, acceptance, respect, freedom, and human rights. It is our heartfelt mission to encourage everyone to stand up for these values and to promote an inclusive society together - every single day of the year.

In addition to our colorful office, our website and logo also shine in bright colors throughout the entire month. This colorful and joyful month is a symbol of unity - let us embrace diversity and continue to strive for a world where every person can live their truth without fear or discrimination.

Read more about Vienna Pride >>

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