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Finding Balance: We had an unforgettable dox42 Company Trip 2023!
At dox42, people are at the heart of everything we do. With our recent company outing, we turned our special focus to the dox42 core team for two days. We embarked on a journey that was equal parts adventure and serenity, where we traded our office desks for paddles and yoga mats:
Rafting Adventures:
The trip began with an adrenaline-pumping start as we ventured into the white-water rapids. With roaring waters and challenging twists and turns, we embraced teamwork like never before.
Yoga and Meditation Retreat:
After the exciting rafting experience, we transitioned into a more peaceful state of mind. Nestled in a wellness resort, we participated in yoga and meditation sessions guided by an experienced instructor. It was a chance to disconnect from our daily routines, quiet our minds, and find inner balance.
Personal Relationships and Reflection:
One of the best aspects of this trip was the opportunity to deeply connect with our colleagues on a personal level. And we learned that while professional growth is essential, taking time to nurture our well-being and relationships is equally vital.
We're looking forward to more adventures as a team, both in and out of the office, and to finding harmony between the thrill of the rapids and the tranquility of meditation!
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