Current news

All current news about dox42, the product, the team behind it, all events with dox42 participation and much more - you will find here:

07 September 2023

dox42 at Business Run 2023

dox42 at Business Run 2023

Vienna Business Run 2023 – We did it! Not even nightfall could stop our sporty dox42 Team from running a total of 38,7 km together at Vienna’s Donauinsel yesterday. A big shout-out to Christian, Julia, Monika, Lisa, Norina, Florian, Jan Moritz, Daniel & Marco!

dox42 News Update

The dox42 team will keep you updated when we have something to say. This is our promise!
  • Recent releases of dox42
  • Success stories
  • Practical hints for the use of dox42
  • New partners etc.