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29 September 2022

dox42 Experts Day 2022

dox42 Experts Day 2022

We welcomed the dox42 Expert Community in Vienna for a very special & exclusive event: the dox42 Experts Day 2022!

The dox42 Product Roadmap, sessions on dox42 integrations, best practices and customer projects filled the day. And of course, there was also time to explore Vienna and its culinary highlights.

Thank you to all our dox42 Experts who joined us in Vienna and truly impress us with their dox42 knowhow & their ability to help others use dox42!

A few impressions from the Experts Day 2022:

dox42 News Update

The dox42 team will keep you updated when we have something to say. This is our promise!
  • Recent releases of dox42
  • Success stories
  • Practical hints for the use of dox42
  • New partners etc.